'Building Technology Animated For Language Learning - Buildingvids' programme was initiated with the aim to offer new, innovative solutions for students and educators of construction works and building technology, as well as the language learners of these subjects in English, German and Spanish. The key elements of the new learning materials will be 3D animated videos showcasing sequences of building processes in order to illustratively summarise the elementary basics of building constructions.
The interactive videos are planned to teach about a wide range of technical topics by using narrations and subtitles added to the animated contents to help develop important communication skills for practising the architectural and civil engineering professions. Additionally to the animated contents quiz-form exercises will help the learners to practise and test the knowledge and competencies gained from the video materials.
The consortium consisting of four European vocational schools, an educational foundation and an architectural association intends to organise the interactive and animated contents, the connecting glossaries and the text-form materials into courses of an e-learning platform. Furthermore the educational background behind the innovative output is planned to be summarised in a handbook to provide guidance for the proper use of the new learning material.
Project period: 09.2023 - 04.2026 (30 months)
A Buildingvids program azzal a cellal indult, hogy uj, innovativ megoldasokat kinaljon az epitesz- es epitomernok tanulok es oktatok, valamint e tantargyak nyelvtanuloi szamara angol, nemet es spanyol nyelven. Az uj tananyagok legfontosabb az epitesi folyamatokat bemutato 3D-s animalt videok tartalmak, amelyek szemleletesen mutatjak be az magasepites targy alapjait.
Az interaktiv videok sokfele muszaki problemat mutatnak be az animalt tartalmak reven, melykehez narraciok es feliratok is tarsulnak, elosegitve az epitesz- es epitomernok szakmak gyakorlasahoz szukseges, kiemelten fontos kommunikacios keszsegek fejleszteset. Az animalt tartalom mellett kviz jellegu feladatok is segitik a tanulokat a videoanyagokbol szerzett ismereteik es kompetenciaik gyakorlasaban illetve teszteleseben.
A negy europai szakiskolabol, egy oktatasi alapitvanybol es egy epiteszeti egyesuletbol allo partnerseg az interaktiv es animalt tartalmakat, magukat a szovegeket es a kapcsolodo szoszedeteket egy e-learning platform kurzusaiba integralja. Az innovativ termekeknek oktatasi szempontbol hatteret ado emleleteket es gyakorlati tanacsokat a partnerseg egy kezikonyvben foglalja ossze, utmutatast adva az uj tananyag megfelelo hasznalatahoz.
A projekt idotartama: 2023. szeptember - 2026. aprilis (30 honap)
DE - 'Building Technology Animated For Language Learning - Buildingvids' programme was initiated with the aim to offer new, innovative solutions for students and educators of construction works and building technology, as well as the language learners of these subjects in English, German and Spanish. The key elements of the new learning materials will be 3D animated videos showcasing sequences of building processes in order to illustratively summarise the elementary basics of building constructions.
The interactive videos are planned to teach about a wide range of technical topics by using narrations and subtitles added to the animated contents to help develop important communication skills for practising the architectural and civil engineering professions. Additionally to the animated contents quiz-form exercises will help the learners to practise and test the knowledge and competencies gained from the video materials.
The consortium consisting of four European vocational schools, an educational foundation and an architectural association intends to organise the interactive and animated contents, the connecting glossaries and the text-form materials into courses of an e-learning platform. Furthermore the educational background behind the innovative output is planned to be summarised in a handbook to provide guidance for the proper use of the new learning material.
Project period: 09.2023 - 04.2026 (30 months)
ES - 'Building Technology Animated For Language Learning - Buildingvids' programme was initiated with the aim to offer new, innovative solutions for students and educators of construction works and building technology, as well as the language learners of these subjects in English, German and Spanish. The key elements of the new learning materials will be 3D animated videos showcasing sequences of building processes in order to illustratively summarise the elementary basics of building constructions.
The interactive videos are planned to teach about a wide range of technical topics by using narrations and subtitles added to the animated contents to help develop important communication skills for practising the architectural and civil engineering professions. Additionally to the animated contents quiz-form exercises will help the learners to practise and test the knowledge and competencies gained from the video materials.
The consortium consisting of four European vocational schools, an educational foundation and an architectural association intends to organise the interactive and animated contents, the connecting glossaries and the text-form materials into courses of an e-learning platform. Furthermore the educational background behind the innovative output is planned to be summarised in a handbook to provide guidance for the proper use of the new learning material.
Project period: 09.2023 - 04.2026 (30 months)
EE - 'Building Technology Animated For Language Learning - Buildingvids' programme was initiated with the aim to offer new, innovative solutions for students and educators of construction works and building technology, as well as the language learners of these subjects in English, German and Spanish. The key elements of the new learning materials will be 3D animated videos showcasing sequences of building processes in order to illustratively summarise the elementary basics of building constructions.
The interactive videos are planned to teach about a wide range of technical topics by using narrations and subtitles added to the animated contents to help develop important communication skills for practising the architectural and civil engineering professions. Additionally to the animated contents quiz-form exercises will help the learners to practise and test the knowledge and competencies gained from the video materials.
The consortium consisting of four European vocational schools, an educational foundation and an architectural association intends to organise the interactive and animated contents, the connecting glossaries and the text-form materials into courses of an e-learning platform. Furthermore the educational background behind the innovative output is planned to be summarised in a handbook to provide guidance for the proper use of the new learning material.
Project period: 09.2023 - 04.2026 (30 months)